Beginner Stand Up Comedy Class.
Topics covered in "Stand up for beginners class."
•Where to find material and how to develop it for your Stand Up act.
•Performing tips and tricks to improve your delivery.
•How to use your storytelling skills to improve your stand up material.
•Stand up narrative forms and how to mix them up to keep your set fresh.
•Set structure and material selection.
•Phrasing techniques.
•Developing your own stage persona and point of view.
•Finding your target audience.
•Hack jokes--what jokes to avoid.
•How to draw upon your own real life experiences, thoughts, memories and incidents to develop comedy material.
• How to take your raw, rough ideas and turn them into specific jokes. description here.
•BONUS: The business of stand up: The basics of auditioning and getting booked. How to use your stand up skills to advance your career and professional goals.